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Large Format Passive Subwoofer
2 x 18" Woofer
Omni Directional
Peak SPL 146 dB
Weight 85 KG
The MST-218 is the largest format subwoofer in Matimo, and is configured as a 2 channel subwoofer each capable of achieving 3000 Watts Peak, and reaching a whopping 6000 Watt combined together. It features a passive double 18" LF woofer which is capable of SPL up to 146 dB and frequency extent of 35 Hz to 150 Hz. As many subwoofers, the MST-218 is a Omni Direction subwoofer. The MST-218 pars well with Matimo Line Array Series loudspeakers. Extending the low end for maximum sonic experience.
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